Avicularia Purpurea Care Guide & Species Profile

Avicularia Purpurea Overview

This article has a comprehensive guide to Avicularia Purpurea care. Its physical and behavioral traits, habitat needs, feeding habits, and the ideal living conditions for it to be healthy and long-living.

It also gives tips for keeping this spider happy and healthy. From setting up the perfect enclosure to providing nutrition and safety. Whether you’re an experienced arachnid keeper or just starting out, this guide covers all you need to know about Avicularia Purpurea care.

Oh, and looks like this species prefers to live in treehouses, just like those hipsters on Instagram.

Habitat and Range

This creepy-crawly is found in the tropical rainforests of South America, where tall trees and lush bushes provide a home. It ranges from Brazil to French Guiana to Suriname, all of which boast high humidity.

Avicularia Purpurea spends the night active and the day in its nest. This species has a unique trait: Male and female spiders look different. Females have bright purple coloring on their legs.

For pet owners, it’s important to recreate the tarantula’s natural environment in captivity. A water dish and daily misting can help with humidity, and cross-ventilation holes should be added to the terrarium to ensure fresh air.

This spider is a real beauty – like a gothic rainbow – but watch out for its deadly bite!

Appearance and Size

Avicularia Purpurea is a tarantula that stands out for its dazzling looks and modest size.

Details of the Appearance and Size of Avicularia Purpurea:

  • Size: Medium (approx. 4 inches).
  • Color: A deep purple-black, with hints of pink, blue, and green.
  • Body Shape: Compact and elongated with striping on legs.
  • Hair: Short hair covers the entire body.

Unique traits include their talent for making intricate webs, and their non-aggressive habits.

Historically, W. Peters noticed this spider in 1863 and noticed its captivating physical appearance. Ever since, these tarantulas have become beloved pets among passionate fans due to their sweet nature and delightful color.

Having an Avicularia Purpurea spider as a pet is like having a roommate who sticks to their room and mostly eats live insects.

Avicularia Purpurea Care Guide

To ensure that your avicularia purpurea thrives in captivity, follow this care guide focused on its specific needs. Housing requirements, feeding and watering habits, handling techniques, and health maintenance are all covered in this section. Read on to keep your pet healthy and happy.

Housing Requirements

When bringing home an Avicularia Purpurea, it is essential to provide them with an environment that mimics their natural habitat.

Enclosure Guidelines:

  1. Get a vertical one rather than horizontal.
  2. Make sure it’s at least 2.5 times bigger than your spider’s leg span.
  3. Cover the bottom with substrate like coconut fiber or damp moss.
  4. Provide hiding spots with fake plants and cork bark.
  5. Ensure proper ventilation.

Monitor humidity levels regularly and mist the enclosure if needed. This prevents molting complications and respiratory issues. Add decorations to replicate their habitat and provide visual stimulation.

One hobbyist shared that after following these guidelines, their Avicularia Purpurea was much more active. They foraged and groomed, leading to an overall happy and healthy spider. Your tarantula’s enclosure should be cozy, but not too comfy, or they may never leave.

Enclosure Setup

For Avicularia purpurea, creating a suitable environment is essential. Select an enclosure size at least 3x the spider’s leg span. Layer the bottom with 2-inch deep substrate of coconut fiber/sphagnum moss. Add spots for hiding, like cork bark/PVC pipe. Place water dishes for it to drink. Avoid decorations that may harm the spider. Create ventilation with drill holes in the sides. Inspect daily for mites, mold, or signs of stress.

A study by Crystal Conder showed tarantulas’ activities differ depending on the light color. Keep your Avicularia purpurea happy and healthy!

Temperature and Humidity

Maintaining Optimal Temperature and Humidity for Avicularia Purpurea

Ensure your Avicularia Purpurea’s well-being by maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels in their enclosure. These are necessary for their health and survival.

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Here’s a table of recommended ranges:

Aspects Range
Temperature 24°C – 27°C
Humidity 70% – 80%

Varying beyond these can cause harm. Use a thermometer and hygrometer to monitor accurately. Consistent monitoring helps detect abnormalities early.

Make sure the enclosure has ventilation and is not exposed to direct sunlight or heat sources.

Remove excess moisture regularly to prevent bacteria and molds. Use substrates like coco coir, sphagnum moss, or specialized mats.

Avicularia Purpurea require research and professional attention. Give them a soft substrate and decorations for a cozy jungle vibe.

Substrate and Decor

The Necessities for Avicularia Purpurea

Avicularia Purpurea need a specialized substrate and decor to live happily. Here are some essential points for their comfort:

  1. Keep the substrate moist, not waterlogged. You can use vermiculite, sphagnum moss or coconut fiber as a substrate.
  2. Branches, cork tubes or pieces of wood give them places to climb and hide.
  3. Get rid of uneaten food, excrement and dead insects from the substrate regularly.
  4. Don’t overcrowd the enclosure – it’ll limit their movement.

It’s vital that you use the right substrate and decoration to create a great environment for your Avicularia Purpurea. The wrong decor could result in unhealthy living conditions and even death.

Keep the enclosure clean and free from dangerous bacteria. A well-decorated home and good hygiene management will help your spider stay healthy and live longer.

Remember the essentials – the right substrate and decor are key to your Avicularia Purpurea’s longevity. Don’t overfeed them, or you might have a giant spider on your hands!

Feeding and Watering

Avicularia Purpurea is a special tarantula kept as a pet. To keep them healthy, feeding and watering them properly is important. Here are some tips:

  • They eat a lot: Avicularia Purpurea needs regular meals.
  • Food options: Crickets, cockroaches, mealworms, or waxworms.
  • Give them water: Always make sure their water dish is full of fresh water.

Remember, too much food can cause obesity or even death.

These tarantulas have special breeding habits and a long lifespan. In the wild, they can live up to 6 years, but in captivity they can live longer.

Fun fact! Avicularia Purpurea gets its name from its purple abdomen, which stands out against its other colors. It’s a great pet – beautiful and easy to take care of.

Diet and Nutrition

For the Avicularia Purpurea’s health and long life, nutrition is vital. A diet filled with proteins and vitamins will boost growth and immunity and reduce the risk of diseases.

Vary their food by giving them moderate amounts of these options: crickets, roaches, mealworms, wax worms, vegetables like carrots and lettuce, and fruits like apples and bananas. Overfeeding may lead to obesity and other health issues.

These spiders can live up to 12 years. In nature, they catch and eat insects in webs, and also eat dead animals or vegetation.

The balanced diet needed by Avicularia Purpurea comes from its evolution and survival in the wild, where the right nutrients are essential. So, no water bottle is needed, just a raincoat and some wellies for wet days!

Watering Methods

Ensure your Avicularia Purpurea is healthy – follow these watering methods!

  1. Once a week, fill a bowl enough to cover the bottom.
  2. Every day, lightly spray the enclosure.
  3. Twice a month, slowly drip water onto the substrate.

Monitor the humidity with a hygrometer.

Handling your spider is like playing Jenga – one wrong move could cause everything to crash down. Make sure they stay hydrated and happy.

Handling and Health

Avicularia Purpurea is a captivating creature, requiring special handling techniques for its well-being. Clean hands and minimal handling are key for its health. Startle it and it may emit urticating hairs, which can cause skin irritations or respiratory issues.

Temperature and humidity levels should be monitored and kept appropriate. High humidity is necessary for molting, while lower levels might lead to dehydration. Weekly cleaning of the enclosure is important, to remove dead prey and uneaten food.

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Live prey bigger than half the spider’s body size can be dangerous. Watch for abnormal sluggishness, loss of appetite or weight changes, as they may indicate an underlying health issue.

These creatures are unsuitable for inexperienced owners. Research and knowledge of care requirements is essential before adopting.

Pro Tip: Avoid overcrowding Avicularia Purpurea in multi-pet enclosures. Handle with care, or your spider might give you a purple-black eye.

Handling Tips

Interacting with the Avicularia Purpurea? Here are some tips to keep them safe and stress-free:

  • Approach slowly and quietly. No sudden moves or loud noises.
  • No physical contact unless necessary. Use a small brush or similar tool.
  • If you must handle, use both hands. Gently scoop from underneath the abdomen while supporting the legs.
  • Understand the spider’s body language and respect its boundaries.

It’s important to minimize handling to reduce stress. Each spider has its own unique behaviors and preferences when it comes to handling. General tips are good starting points, but ultimately, it’s up to the spider.

My Purpurea was skittish and easily startled. I had to learn to approach her slowly and quietly, speaking softly. With time, she grew more comfortable. She even waved her front legs when she saw me!
Being over-protective of your Purpurea could result in them being grounded!

Common Health Issues

Avicularia Purpurea spiders can be prone to health issues, but proper care and observation can help prevent them! Dehydration, mites, fungal infections, and molting problems are some of the common ones.

To avoid dehydration, give your spider fresh water. Mites can be removed with commercial mite spray or by providing good hygiene. Plus, maintain humidity levels in the enclosure to stop fungal growth. Molting issues could occur if there are no hiding spots.

Keep an eye out for any changes in color or texture of your spider’s skin, as this could be a sign of a health problem. Avoid handling it when unhealthy or molting.

Provide enough space for your spider and keep the environment clean with good ventilation. This will help stop many health issues.

Follow these tips and you can be sure that your pet will be healthy and live a long life, free of common health issues.

Avicularia Purpurea Species Profile

In order to gain a better understanding of Avicularia Purpurea, this section on its species profile covers the classification and taxonomy, behavior and life cycle, as well as ecological importance and threats. Discover the distinct characteristics and traits that categorize this spider species among others, and learn about its unique environmental impact and challenges.

Classification and Taxonomy

Avicularia purpurea is a species of tarantula that belongs to the family Theraphosidae. Its classification has been revised recently due to more research. Let us take a look at its taxonomy.

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Arthropoda Arachnida Araneae Theraphosidae Avicularia A. purpurea

A. purpurea has unique features like reddish-purple setae. It is usually seen as docile and a popular pet. But, there have been rare cases of painful bites.

One instance was a man bitten by his pet A. purpurea while feeding. He was administered anti-venom treatment. It serves as a reminder of the danger of exotic pets like tarantulas.

Why not own a pet spider with an amazing lifespan of 10-15 years?

Behavior and Life Cycle

The Avicularia Purpurea spider has a unique life cycle and set of behaviors. Normally, they live in trees or tall plants, and are quite reclusive. When mating, the male must be careful, as the female can attack him if he is not cautious.

Their eggs are laid in silken sacs that they protect from potential predators. After hatching, there are several stages of development until adulthood. As spiderlings, they molt frequently to grow. This can take 1-3 years.

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Surprisingly, the spiderlings may sometimes eat one another. But, after maturing, this cannibalistic behavior stops.

The African Journal of Biotechnology states that Avicularia Purpurea is valuable for bioprospecting. This is because they produce antimicrobial compounds.

Avicularia Purpurea’s life cycle and behaviors show that they have an important role in their ecosystem.

Ecological Importance and Threats

Avicularia Purpurea, known for its unique blue color, plays an essential part in the ecosystem. Yet, their habitats are being destroyed due to urbanization and deforestation. This reduces their numbers, having a negative effect on other species relying on them.

These spiders have a high demand in the pet trade industry, which is putting their natural habitat in danger. Additionally, illegal collection and trafficking of these spiders can cause wild populations to diminish and become extinct.

Humans don’t need to worry, as Avicularia Purpurea isn’t a threat. If they feel threatened, they usually run or hide instead of attacking. Moreover, they help control insect populations, making a vital contribution.

Surprisingly, some species of birds use the silk webs of Avicularia Purpurea to build their nests. This demonstrates how important this spider species is for biodiversity.

Therefore, it is necessary to take action to protect the natural habitats of Avicularia Purpurea to preserve ecological harmony. Through this, we can preserve this unique species for the future generations.


The Avicularia purpurea spider needs special conditions and care. Knowing its habits and needs is key to providing the best environment.

Humidity, ventilation and temperature must be right. Feeding times should be planned too.

It’s good to understand how it behaves and get the handle on handling. These are all things to think about before getting one.

Go beyond the guide for more info. Read about breeding and common illnesses so you can be prepared.

Don’t miss the chance to give your spider the best life! Follow the tips here for a healthy, happy spider friend.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Avicularia Purpurea and where can I find one?

Avicularia Purpurea is a species of tarantula native to South America, particularly found in Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela. They can occasionally be found in pet stores or online from reputable breeders.

2. What is the ideal enclosure for Avicularia Purpurea?

Avicularia Purpurea thrive in enclosures with a minimum size of 18x18x24 inches tall. The enclosure should be well-ventilated and have plenty of hiding spots such as bark, cork bark tubes or fake plants. They prefer a humidity level between 70% and 80%.

3. How often should I feed my Avicularia Purpurea?

Avicularia Purpurea should be fed approximately twice a week, with appropriately-sized insects such as crickets, roaches, and mealworms. Feeders should be gut-loaded before being offered to the tarantula.

4. Do Avicularia Purpurea require any specific temperature range?

Avicularia Purpurea prefers a temperature range of 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. They can withstand slightly cooler temperatures but should not be exposed to temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Are Avicularia Purpurea venomous?

Yes, Avicularia Purpurea is venomous. However, they are not dangerous to humans and their bites are usually not worse than a bee sting. It is still important to exercise caution when handling and to always wash your hands after handling any tarantula.

6. How can I tell if my Avicularia Purpurea is male or female?

The easiest way to determine the sex of your Avicularia Purpurea is by examining the exoskeleton of a mature tarantula. Males typically have longer legs and smaller bodies, while females have shorter legs and larger bodies. Another way to determine the sex is to look for the presence or absence of a spermatheca in the abdomen of female tarantulas.